Recommended across the site

Use non-pharmacological treatments for the initial management of hay fever during pregnancy. If insufficient, use topical treatments or oral antihistamines.
The availability of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapies (PERTs) varies currently. Use our resources and mini-tool to find matches for licensed products.
Modified-release methylphenidate capsules and tablets differ. Ensure patients receive appropriate treatment, particularly during periods of supply disruption.
The availability of medicines used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) varies currently. Supply content is maintained regularly by DHSC.


Regularly updated material to support the introduction of eculizumab, natalizumab, ranibizumab, tocilizumab and ustekinumab biosimilars.
Our annual Prescribing Outlook outputs support planning, implementation and budget planning for medicines every year.


Biosimilar and key generic medicines – April 2025 update

An update about biosimilar and key generic medicines to support implementation with a focus on aflibercept, golimumab, nilotinib and ferric carboxymaltose.

Internal audit in aseptic services

An SPS Quality Assurance (QA) bite size learning event on internal audit in aseptic services.

SPS is going to Clinical Pharmacy Congress London 2025

SPS will be at CPC London 2025. Visit our stand and listen to our presentations at this award winning conference.

What’s new in medicines mechanisms and governance PGDs

An update session for those involved in medicines governance including managing PGDs and other medicine mechanisms in practice.

Introduction to the aseptics stability tool

An SPS Quality Assurance (QA) bite size learning event to introduce the aseptics stability tool.

MSATS - Safer use of insulin

Discussion of key current medication safety challenges within healthcare with a focus on the safe use of insulin; inspiring partnership across the system.


Latest information on supply issues, actions to take, alternatives to use, and expected resolution dates. Content provided by DHSC and MVA team, NHS England.
Summarised recommendations and guidance for medicines requiring monitoring to save you time when you're making monitoring decisions with patients
Information on stability for tablets and capsules to help create MCAs for patients. Find entries and then build and print lists specific to your MCA.
Advice on whether refrigerated medicines can or can’t be used after exposure to out-of-range temperatures. Find entries and build and print lists.
Information on drug stability to help users make an informed decision on the shelf life for products prepared within aseptic facilities.
View how your organisation is performing for a number of key molecules and compare your performance with others.

Recommended in PGDs

Delegation of any PGD function is not permitted. However there are specific tasks that individuals other than the professional working under a PGD can fulfil.
Understand what a Patient Group Direction (PGD) is and how it is used in clinical practice.
Understanding when PGDs are a suitable mechanism for the supply and/or administration of medicines ensures an appropriate legal framework for service provision.
Understanding when PGDs are an unsuitable mechanism for the supply and/or administration of medicines ensures an alternative legal framework is applied.
Understanding where PGDs can and cannot be used for the supply and/or administration of P and GSL medicines helps ensure correct legal mechanisms in practice.
National PGD templates are developed with experts for clinical specialties. They reduce duplication and variation, and improve consistency of care.

Primary care

Our primary care resources and tools are for all those working in the area, including GPs, practice pharmacists and community pharmacy teams.

If you're a healthcare professional who needs further advice, get in touch with us. You can contact us through our single email or telephone number below. Please don't share patient identifiable data with us by email.
All our advice on using medicines safely and effectively in patients with swallowing difficulties.
All our training and guidance to help decision making about the use of medicines in breastfeeding.
All our training and guidance to help decision making about the use of medicines in pregnancy.
Medication Safety Across the System (MSATS) provides resources and networking to inspire and equip individuals in promoting the safe use of medicines.
Practical guidance on effective collaboration opportunities to promote medication safety improvements
Effective communication allows for timely responses to new and emerging medication risks and the sharing of potential safety solutions.
Healthcare professionals responsible for medication safety in their organisation must deliver an appropriate response to safety alerts
High quality reporting and management of incidents and harms ensures opportunities for learning and improving medication safety
Practical guidance to ensure opportunities to learn from local intelligence, including patient harm are translated into shared local and national learning
Healthcare professionals delivering the medication safety agenda in their organisation require an understanding of national policy, frameworks and legislation
Effective use provides assurance that an organisation is aware of the most critical medication safety related information, and acts on this to improve safety
Increased medication incident reporting provides greater opportunities for learning and improving medication safety
Practical guidance to support those undertaking medication incident investigations