SPS PGD template for the insertion of the Progestogen-Only Intra-Uterine Device (LNG-IUD) for contraception.


Created by SPS and the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FSRH), with the support of specialist stakeholders working within clinical practice, for contraception commonly supplied or administered within reproductive services.

PGD template attachment

The template PGD is attached below to download and use in conjunction with our implementation advice.

Updated FSRH Guidance 9th May 2024

On the 9th May 2024 the FSRH CEU issued a statement on the extended use of all 52mg LNG-IUDs for up to eight years for contraception.  The recommendation is as follows:

The FSRH IUC GDG support extended use of any 52mg LNG-IUD for up to eight years for contraception if the user is under 45 years old at the time of insertion. There is insufficient evidence to support use of any 52mg LNG-IUD beyond eight years for contraception. If an individual presents for replacement of the device after eight years, criteria for reasonably excluding pregnancy must be met, as per FSRH guidance

The SPS PGD template will be updated to reflect this updated guidance – anticipated publication is late July 2024.

More reproductive health PGD templates

All PGD templates


National PGD templates are developed with experts for clinical specialties. They reduce duplication and variation, and improve consistency of care.

Update history

  1. Updated added regarding FSRH 9th May published recommendation update
  1. Updated template published
  1. Detail regarding pending update added.
  1. Version 2.1 published - minor amendment
  1. V1 removed from website as expiring 31/7/23
  1. Title, URL and summary amended.
  1. New V2.0 template added
  1. Updated template attached - new product added
  1. Template republished with minor rewording
  1. Published

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