Support for the system in continuing to manage supply disruption of medicines used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

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Current supply disruption

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) issued a National Patient Safety Alert (NatPSA) on supply disruptions affecting various strengths of medications which are licensed for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on 27 September 2023.

Prescribing available medicines to treat ADHD contains an overview of the current supply position and is regularly updated as the national stock situation continues to evolve.

Note that the indication of available stock relates to the national picture and it is likely there will be local variation in availability.

Principles of managing supply disruption

This guidance is intended to support systems to develop their local action plans as an urgent mitigation in response to the shortages of ADHD medication. Therefore, it may not reflect all the recommendations within the current NICE guidance (NG87) for the management of people with ADHD. Information is included that reflects the best available clinical opinion currently.

Key principles should be followed by systems and practitioners when responding:

  • the safety of patients and their families, and staff is paramount
  • agree local risk prioritisation framework for high risk patients including those on guanfacine
  • access to treatment should be equitable, irrespective of socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or geographic location
  • an evidence-based approach is adopted, recognising that recommendations will evolve with experience

Clinical information

The following resources contain specific medicines information to support clinical management:

Considerations when prescribing modified-release methylphenidate

Guidance on the pharmacokinetic differences between modified-release methylphenidate products and clinical implications.

Useful resources

The following links signpost to national and local resources that patients/parents may find helpful:

Update history

  1. Links to guanfacine page removed
  1. Published

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