Vegetarian and vegan diets
Vegan diets exclude substances of animal origin, including insects.
Vegetarians diets exclude substances that require the death of an animal or insect. Substances from live animals are generally acceptable, such as:
milk and dairy products
honey, beeswax or propolis
wool fat (lanolin) from living sheep that will not be slaughtered
For further details, see the formal definitions of vegan and vegetarian diets from The European Vegetarian Union.
Choosing a product
Patients not diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency or certain conditions resulting in malabsorption should be encouraged to buy their own vitamin supplements. NHS England and NHS Clinical Commissioners recommend that vitamin supplements should not be prescribed routinely in primary care.
When choosing or advising on a product that is suitable for a vegetarian or vegan, consider the appropriateness of the active and inactive ingredients.
This page is about preparations containing vitamin D only.
See our page for guidance if you need a vitamin D preparation with calcium:
Active ingredients
Vitamin D products may contain colecalciferol (vitamin D3) or ergocalciferol (vitamin D2).
Colecalciferol is synthetically produced using 7-dehydrocholesterol from lanolin (wool fat), or from lichen.
Products originating from wool fat are unacceptable to vegans. They may be acceptable to vegetarians if the wool is from sheep that will not be slaughtered.
Ergocalciferol is produced from fungi or yeasts and is acceptable to vegans and vegetarians.
There is some evidence that colecalciferol is more effective in treating vitamin D deficiency than ergocalciferol. Colecalciferol products are therefore preferred, where possible.
Excipients (inactive ingredients)
Some excipients, such as gelatin, make a product unsuitable for vegetarians and vegans.
For further details, see our page Excipients: What are the general considerations for vegan patients?
Understanding excipients in medicines provides general information and advice on handling issues regarding excipients.
Legal status
Some vitamin D products are licensed as medicines. Others are classified as foods rather than medicines and are available to buy as supplements.
Explaining the licensed status of medicines provides more detail on the differences between medicines and food supplements.
Further advice
In producing this information, we have limited our enquiries to the content of the product itself and made the following assumptions:
if the manufacturer states the product is compatible with vegetarian or vegan diets, this is correct
if the manufacturer was unable to confirm compatibility with vegetarian or vegan diets, we have assumed incompatibility
if the manufacturer states that colecalciferol is from live sheep this means the sheep have not been bred for slaughter
If you need to know if a product may have been in contact with animal-derived substances during manufacturing, contact the manufacturer.
Manufacturers may change the formulations of their products. Check with the manufacturer for the most up to date information on the origins of a product’s ingredients.
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Products suitable for vegans
The following lists are not in any order of preference and are not exhaustive; other products may be available.
Licensed medicines
There are no licensed vitamin D products suitable for vegans.
Food supplements
The following vitamin D products are suitable for vegans and vegetarians:
Aactive D3 200units/ml, 2000units/ml oral drops and 2000units/ml, 3000units/ml oral solution (TriOn Pharma Ltd)
Cubicole D3 tablets and capsules all strengths (Cubic Pharmaceuticals Ltd)
DailyD 1000unit vegan spray (Kora Healthcare)
D-Pearls Green 1520unit capsules (Pharma Nord UK Ltd)
E-D3 capsules and tablets, all strengths (Ennogen)
Ergo-D2 1.25mg capsules (Ennogen)
Ergoral D2 10,000unit tablets and 50,000unit capsules (Cubic Pharmaceuticals Ltd)
HealthAid Vitamin D2 500unit tablets
Natures Aid Vegan Vitamin D3 1000unit tablets, Vitamin D3 Vegan 2500 units/ml oral drops, Vitamin D3 infants & children 400units/ml oral drops
Pro D3 Vegan 800, 3200, 20,000unit capsules, 100 unit/drop liquid drops and 2000 unit/ml liquid (Synergy Biologics Ltd)
Solgar Vegan Vitamin D3 1000unit softgels
SunVit-D3 Vegan 400, 800, 1000unit tablets
Ultra Vitamin D gummies (Vitabiotics)
Vitamin D3 Vegan 1000unit capsules (Lamberts Healthcare Ltd)
Vitamin D3 400unit tablets and 10micrograms/drop oral drops (Pro Health Solutions)
Vitamin D3 Vegan 1000unit, 2500unit capsules (G&G Food Supplies Ltd)
Wellkid Marvel vitamin D 7 to 14 years 500unit jellies (Vitabiotics)
Wellkid Peppa Pig vitamin D 3 to 7 years 400unit jellies (Vitabiotics)
Products suitable for vegetarians
The following lists are not in any order of preference and are not exhaustive; other products may be available.
Licensed medicines
The following products are suitable for vegetarians but not vegans:
Colextra-D3 25,000 tablets (Synergy Biologics Ltd)
Desunin 800, 4000unit tablets (Mylan Products)
Fultium-D3 2740units/ml oral drops (Internis Pharmaceuticals/Thornton & Ross Ltd)
InVita D3 2400units/ml oral drops and 25,000units/ml, 50,000unit/ml oral solution (Consilient Health)
Plenachol D3 20,000, 40,000unit capsules (Accord-UK Ltd)
Stexerol-D3 1000, 25,000unit film-coated tablets (Grünenthal Ltd)
THORENS 10,000units/ml oral drops and 25,000units/2.5 ml oral solution (Galen Limited)
Food supplements
The following products are suitable for vegetarians but not vegans:
Aactive D3 2200, 3000, 10,000 unit tablets (TriOn Pharma Ltd)
Aciferol D3 tablets all strengths, 30,000, 50,000unit capsules and 2000units/ml, 3000units/ml liquid (Fontus Health)
BetterYou Vitamin D daily 400unit oral spray infant, 400unit junior, 1000, 3000, 4000unit oral spray
BioLife Vitamin D3 1000unit tablets (Lifestyle Natural Health Ltd)
Boots Vitamin D 400unit tablets, 400unit Everyday tablets, 1000unit High Strength tablets, 3000unit Max strength tablets
Colecalciferol 1000unit tablets (Tor Generics Ltd)
ColeDose D3 tablets all strengths (TriOn Pharma Ltd)
DailyD 400unit spray (Kora Healthcare)
Hashmats Health Vit-D3 1000, 20,000unit capsules
HealthAid Vitamin D3 1000, 2000, 50,000unit tablets, 5000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000unit capsules and 200unit oral drops, 1000units oral spray
Hux D3 3200, 20,000unit capsules (Huxley Europe Ltd)
Lamberts Vitamin D3 400unit tablets, 2000, 4000unit capsules and 200units/drop drops (Lamberts Healthcare)
LipoSil Liposomal D3 2000unit capsules (Silicon Pharma Ltd)
Natures Aid Vitamin D3 400, 1000, 4000unit tablets, 2000unit spray
Osteocaps D3 1000, 20,000unit capsules (Fontus Health/Northumbria Pharma)
Premier Vitamin D3 400, 1000, 2500unit tablets (Premier Health Products Ltd)
Pro D3 capsules all strengths, 100unit oral drops, 2000units/ml, 3000units/ml liquid, tablets all strengths (Synergy Biologics Ltd)
Provitavit Vitamin D 200units/drop oral drops (Cuttlefish Ltd)
Solgar Vitamin D3 600, 2200, 4000unit capsules, 2500units/0.5ml liquid,1000unit tablets and chewable tablets
SunVit-D3 capsules, tablets, and oral solution, oral drops, all strengths
ToddlerD Vitamin D3 200unit spray (Kora Healthcare)
Ultra Vitamin D tablets, all strengths (Vitabiotics)
Urgent-D chewable 2000unit tablets (Vega Nutritionals Ltd)
Valupak Vitamin D3 1000, 5000unit tablets and 1000unit capsules (BR Pharmaceuticals Ltd)
Vitamin D peppermint flavour 1000unit spray (Holland & Barrett)
Wellbaby Vit D birth to 4 years 340unit oral drops (Vitabiotics)
YPV Vitamin D3 400, 800, 1000, 4000, 20,000unit tablets (GlucoRx Ltd)
Products unsuitable for vegans or vegetarians
The following products contain an animal-derived excipient such as gelatin, or the manufacturer cannot confirm suitability for vegans or vegetarians:
Licensed medicines
The following products are unsuitable for vegetarians or vegans:
Colecalciferol capsules all strengths (Alissa Healthcare Research Ltd)
Colecalciferol 1000unit capsules (Colonis Pharma)
Colecalciferol 3000units/ml oral solution (Thame Laboratories)
Colecalciferol 20,000unit soft capsules (Tor Generics)
Colextra-D3 soft capsules all strengths (Synergy Biologics Ltd)
Fultium D3 capsules all strengths (Internis Pharmaceuticals Ltd/Thornton & Ross Ltd)
InVita D3 capsules all strengths (Consilient Health Ltd)
STRIVIT-D3 soft capsules all strengths (Strides Pharma UK Ltd)
Food supplements
The following products are unsuitable for vegetarians or vegans:
Aactive D3 capsules all strengths (TriOn Pharma Ltd)
Actium D3 800, 20,000unit capsules (MaN Pharma Ltd)
BabyD oral solution 1000units/ml, 200unit spray (Kora Healthcare)
Boots Vitamin D Bone Health 10microgram gummies (children), 25microgram gummies (adults)
Colecalciferol 1000unit tablets (Alissa Healthcare Research Ltd)
Colecalciferol 1000unit capsules (Tor Generics Ltd)
ColeDose D3 capsules all strengths (TriOn Pharma Ltd)
DailyD Vitamin D3 400, 1000, 2000unit capsules (Kora Healthcare)
D-Pearls 800, 1000, 5000, 20,000unit capsules (Pharma Nord UK Ltd)
LiquiD 3000units/ml oral solution (Kora Healthcare)
Lamberts Vitamin D3 1000unit capsules (Lamberts Healthcare)
Prosure Vitamin D3 800,1000unit capsules (Biovantic Pharma Ltd)
RestorD3 40,000unit capsules (TriOn Pharma Ltd)
Vitamin D3 400, 1000unit soft gel capsules (Solgar)
Update history
26 February 2025
Full review and update of article with changes to structure.