26 March 2025Location
Online via WebEx at 12:30-14:00About the event
This interactive session is part of the ‘Medication Safety Across the System’ (MSATS) series aimed at healthcare professionals, working in any sector with a role or passion for medication safety and/or involved in medicines use.
Our speakers will share innovative practices addressing safer use of insulin to inspire and equip the audience, ready for translation and replication across systems.
In the podcast below, Emma Kirk and Claire Davies discuss why you should be part of our next MSATS webinar.
Why it’s important
There are known risks associated with the use of insulin. Incidents involving insulin remain some of the most commonly reported errors across healthcare settings and they can significantly impact people’s health.
Implementation of safety strategies to support the safer use of insulin requires a collaborative and system wide approach to ensure safe and sustainable improvements.
What will be covered
- A discussion of factors that add complexities to the safe prescribing, supply and administration of insulin
- A ‘lived experience’ to understand how these complexities impact people living with diabetes and how as a healthcare system we can respond and prioritise improvements
- Shared exemplar practices related to the safer use of insulin, which will allow for reflection on local practice and consideration for replication at a local and wider healthcare system level
- Opportunities to network with peers to inform the development of appropriate local and system wide responses to insulin safety concerns
Learning outcomes
- Articulate key safety issues related to the prescribing, supply and administration of insulin
- Understand the importance of clear communication and documentation regarding the pertinent aspects of insulin use across care boundaries
- Understand the benefit of clear guidance, procedures and policies to support safer use of insulin in any care setting
- Understand the principles and advantages of self-management of diabetes and insulin, and strategies to embed this into practice
- Reflect on examples shared and identify actions or responses to recommend locally, in order to improve safe practice
A range of speakers from SPS and other organisations will help to run this event.
Non-SPS Speakers
Hanadi Alkhder
Senior Prescribing Advisor and Diabetes Lead, Medicines Management & Optimisation Team, NHS Birmingham & Solihull ICB
Charlie Churchill
Person living with diabetes
Dr Alex Harborne
Clinical Director, East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT)
Matthew Heppel
Advanced Diabetes and Endocrine Pharmacist, Hull University Teaching Hospitals
Paula Johnston
Lead Diabetes Specialist Nurse, University Hospital Southampton
Professor Gerry Rayman
Consultant of Diabetology, Ipswich hospital (ESNEFT) and GIRFT Co-lead for Diabetes
SPS Speakers
Learn more about the SPS team who are running this event.
Registration is now open. Once registered you will receive confirmation and a link for your diary.
Note: Our webinars are provided for colleagues providing NHS services so please register with your NHS or work-based email address. If you don’t provide NHS services or are a charity, please drop us a line to clarify your interest in this webinar.
Check your access before the event
Check that you are able to access WebEx prior to the event.
We recommend installing the Cisco WebEx app, or, alternatively, accessing the meeting via Google Chrome. If you are still having difficulty, you may need to contact your IT department to assist you in opening the application (you’ll only have to do this once).
Joining on the day
Listen through your computer or mobile phone.
The webinar will start promptly at 12:30 so join at least 10 minutes earlier so you don’t miss important information.
Dial in
If you experience trouble accessing the meeting from your computer, you can always dial in and listen through your phone. Contact the webinar admin team for more details.
The event will be recorded and this will be available on the SPS website a few days later.
Slides may not routinely be used in these webinars. If they are, they will be available after the event.
Information presented in these resources is correct at time of recording. Current guidance should be followed.
Reporting concerns with medication devices – how you can help us reach users
Emma Rooke talks about the work the MHRA are doing to increase reporting about safety concerns identified with the equipment used to manage diabetes.
MHRA Yellow Card reporting demonstration
A demonstration from the MHRA which will talk you through how to report a concern or incident about a device used in the management of diabetes.
Insulin safety considerations in Health and Justice and secure settings
Claire Davies chats to Neera Shah about the challenges and considerations with insulin safety in health and justice and secure settings.
Voice of people living with diabetes – insulin safety and visual impairment
Claire Davies chats with Toby, a person living with diabetes, as to why it is essential that the voice of those with lived experience is heard and is central to any system-wide discussions about insulin safety and what is important to him to ensure his insulin therapy is safe alongside visual impairment.
Contact us
Please contact the Admin Team if you have any questions.