GPs can vaccinate staff using PSDs, written instructions, or via OHS or community pharmacies. Considerations for using each mechanism are explained.

Vaccinating staff

All staff with a clinical condition that makes them eligible for the national seasonal influenza vaccination programme under the NHS, should be encouraged to attend their own GP surgery or community pharmacy to obtain this vaccination. Provision of the vaccination to staff should generally be reserved for those who do not qualify for the seasonal influenza vaccination under the eligibility criteria listed in the current annual national influenza programme.

However, if the staff member is unlikely to seek vaccination via their GP practice or community pharmacy, they should receive the vaccination via their employer.

Staff employed elsewhere

Staff working within a GP practice who are not employed by the practice should seek vaccination via their own employer. Where appropriate for those staff eligible for the national seasonal influenza vaccination, they should attend their own GP surgery or community pharmacy.

Locum GPs

Locum GPs are eligible for vaccination via Enhanced Service for seasonal influenza.

Indemnity insurance

Practices are responsible for ensuring they have appropriate indemnity insurance.

Options for vaccination provision

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