Preparing Spikevax (JN.1) vaccine


An example SOP for preparing Spikevax (JN.1) vaccine

Understanding our terminology

Spikevax (JN.1) 0.1 mg/mL dispersion for injection must be prepared carefully following the manufacturer’s instructions. We refer to it as Spikevax(JN.1) in our web articles. 

Example procedure

Spikevax (JN.1) must be prepared carefully following the manufacturer’s instructions. 

We have produced an example template Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the preparation of the Spikevax (JN.1) The attachment is presented in Word to enable adaptation locally, or as reference source to check that existing local procedures are robust and comprehensive. Within the SOP, red text indicates where detail is to be added locally. 


Update history

  1. Published

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