Prescribing available insulins

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Topics: DiabetesPrescribingSupply

Current supply disruption of GLP-1 receptor agonists means some patients may need to switch to insulin. Prescribers must know which insulins can be used.

About supply and clinical advice for insulins · Advice generated by DHSC and using clinical expertise

This page was prepared and is being maintained by SPS on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care Medicine Supply Team (DHSC). Clinical review and advice was provided by Philip Newland-Jones, Consultant Pharmacist and Clinical Director for Diabetes & Endocrinology, Southampton General Hospital.

GLP-1 receptor agonist supply disruption

GLP-1 receptor agonists are currently experiencing supply disruption. Refer to our article for advice on currently available products and those products affected by disruption.

Switching from GLP-1 receptor agonists to insulin

Switching from GLP-1 receptor agonists to insulin may be necessary. Recommendations for insulin in this cohort are suggested to ensure supply chains remain stable for the whole population of people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes requiring insulin.

Insulin choice

It is recognised that insulin prescribing is undertaken by healthcare professionals who are competent and confident in insulin initiation and titration, where many factors may influence the decisions to prescribe a particular type of insulin (eg. Basal, Mixed, Intermediate).

The following insulins are currently able to support insulin initiation at the volumes required across the UK as part of the review of patients unable to obtain GLP-1 receptor agonnists. Supply content is maintained by DHSC.

Basal insulin

Able to support switching

First line

  • Toujeo 300 units/mL SoloStar, solution for injection

Second line

  • Abasaglar 100 units/mL KwikPen solution for injection

Unable to support switching

  • Lantus (insulin glargine) 100 units/mL solution for injection
  • Semglee (insulin glargine) 100 units/mL solution for injection
  • Levemir (insulin detemir) 100 units/mL solution for injection
  • Tresiba (insulin degludec) 100 units/mL solution for injection
  • Tresiba (insulin degludec) 200 units/mL solution for injection

Intermediate-acting insulin

Able to support switching

  • Humulin I KwikPen (insulin isophane) 100 units/mL suspension for injection

Unable to support switching

  • Insulatard (insulin isophane) 100 units/mL suspension for injection

Mixed insulin

Able to support switching

  • Humulin M3 KwikPen (biphasic insulin isophane) 100 units/mL suspension for injection

Unable to support switching

  • Humalog Mix25 (biphasic insulin lispro) 100 units/mL suspension for injection
  • Humalog Mix50 (biphasic insulin lispro) 100 units/mL suspension for injection
  • Novomix 30 (biphasic insulin aspart) 100 units/mL suspension for injection

Update history

  1. Provenance banner added to clarify how page and advice generated.
  2. Recommendations updated to include further product details.
  1. Initial sentence describing need for switching clarified.
  2. Published

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