SPS Horizon Scanning

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Topics: Bulletins

Know what medicines are in the pipeline. Understand the strategic and operational challenges for the NHS. Start planning early.

About SPS Horizon Scanning

The NHS SPS Horizon Scanning Service provides information and intelligence on medicines in development with predicted launches due over the next 3 years. We use our experience and expertise to help the NHS be better strategically and operationally prepared to treat patients with the latest medicine innovations.

Our material is:

  • prepared by NHS pharmacists experienced in assessing and intelligently analysing the service impact of new medicines
  • regularly updated with latest medicine pipeline developments
  • supports optimal introduction of new medicines into the NHS

The information can be tailored to your organisation’s needs.

What we offer

SPS produces a range of information to support managed entry of new medicines into the NHS, to assist organisations in developing medicines management policies and to inform prescribing decisions when a product has been launched.

These documents can be used by NHS staff in the course of their duties. Please acknowledge NHS Specialist Pharmacy Services if used in any publication. Non-NHS staff should seek permission before use.

Prescribing Outlook

NHS log-in required.

Prescribing Outlook is intended to assist NHS budget holders and those involved in prescribing planning assess potential impact of new drugs on the local health economy. It is an Excel spreadsheet that includes information on new medicines with launches planned over the next 2-3 years and on marketed drugs with new major indications. It includes a Cost Calculator, which is a budget planning tool to help you estimate the financial impact of new medicines or licence extensions over the current and next financial year (excluding ATMPs and biosimilars and cancer medicines). It also includes information on patents expiring in the next 4 years. It is usually published in the Autumn every year.

New Medicines News

New Medicines News is published monthly and highlights recent significant medicines regulatory changes. You can use it to follow progress of medicines included in Prescribing Outlook.

New Product Evaluations

This is a list of UK new product evaluations (medicines and devices) in production, or published in the previous three years. It is updated monthly.

New Product Launches

Once a year, in February, we publish a list of new product launches, new formulations and licence changes approved in the UK, in the previous year.

Please note this list is not comprehensive, especially regarding generic products.

Further support

If you are unable to find the information you need, or need more detailed or tailored support please contact the service at nwmedinfo@nhs.net. Use the flyer below to let your colleagues know what we offer.

Understanding terminology

Our useful guide can help you understand horizon scanning terminology.

Development process for medicines

Our presentation may be useful if you want to learn more about the development process for medicines.

Newly launched medicines

Our question and answer document can help if you want to know where to find information on a newly launched medicine.

Pharmaceutical industry

If you work for a pharmaceutical company, please consider submitting information about your drugs in development to UKPharmascan. This resource is owned by the Department of Health and Social Care, and is hosted by NICE. Submitting your information will help ensure earlier and more effective decision making, as well as faster uptake of innovative new medicines for NHS patients.

For more information about UKPharmascan, see the flyer below.

Update history

  1. Link to latest SPS HS service flyer added
  1. Published
  1. Link to latest UK PharmaScan flyer added
  1. Page reformatted.
  1. Added HSS value proposition statement

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