17 October 2023 · Circumstances and potential risks should be considered before preparing eye drops in NHS aseptic units working under Section 10 exemption.
9 March 2023 · Careful use of effervescent or soluble tablets to deliver part tablet doses for children and neonates can minimise risks of toxicity or suboptimal therapy.
1 March 2022 · National guidance from NHSE/I to reduce LASA errors and improve patient safety when considering requirements for unlicensed specials medicines
20 October 2021 · Local decision makers should choose between the options for giving fidaxomicin orally. Licensing status and other factors affect decision making.
18 May 2021 · Local decision makers should choose between the options for giving vancomycin orally. Licensing status and other factors affect decision making.
1 October 2020 · Smaller packs of licensed medicines can be produced for clinics and departments by their hospital pharmacy, under pharmacist supervision in accordance with GMP