16 June 2022 · Topical chloramphenicol can be used with caution and monitoring. Systemic chloramphenicol is not recommended. Advice applies to full term and healthy infants.
30 November 2021 · Treatment of candidiasis with miconazole is complicated by concurrent HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (statin) use because of potential for drug interactions.
20 October 2021 · Local decision makers should choose between the options for giving fidaxomicin orally. Licensing status and other factors affect decision making.
5 October 2021 · SPS PGD template for administering benzylpenicillin prior to transfer to secondary care in suspected bacterial meningitis or meningococcal septicaemia.
18 May 2021 · Local decision makers should choose between the options for giving vancomycin orally. Licensing status and other factors affect decision making.
30 July 2018 · The development of OPAT (Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy) services and other outpatient intravenous therapies has been rapid over recent years and there are many models…