Our forthcoming conferences and webinars covering a range of Medicines Optimisation issues with SPS and other great speakers and presenters.

Register to attend the following events

Biosimilar and key generic medicines – April 2025 update

An update about biosimilar and key generic medicines to support implementation with a focus on aflibercept, golimumab, nilotinib and ferric carboxymaltose.

Internal audit in aseptic services

An SPS Quality Assurance (QA) bite size learning event on internal audit in aseptic services.

SPS is going to Clinical Pharmacy Congress London 2025

SPS will be at CPC London 2025. Visit our stand and listen to our presentations at this award winning conference.

What’s new in medicines mechanisms and governance PGDs

An update session for those involved in medicines governance including managing PGDs and other medicine mechanisms in practice.

Introduction to the aseptics stability tool

An SPS Quality Assurance (QA) bite size learning event to introduce the aseptics stability tool.

MSATS - Safer use of insulin

Discussion of key current medication safety challenges within healthcare with a focus on the safe use of insulin; inspiring partnership across the system.