Patient Group Directions
Understand when and how to use Patient Group Directions (PGDs) for the supply and/or administration of medicines; supporting service delivery and patient care.
All our advice relating to administering medicines; ranging from legal mechanism frameworks through to practical administration.
Cautions and contraindications
All our advice relating to specific cautions and contraindications, with recommendations on management options.
All our advice relating to specific dosing recommendations.
Our advice on switching between medicines covers switching between antidepressants as well as a range of other common medicines switches.
Deprescribing is safely and effectively withdrawing inappropriate medicines. We'll soon add new content to help in practice, starting with antidepressants.
All our advice relating to medicine interactions, with recommendations on management options.
Medication Safety
Resources, guidance and support to assess and improve medication safety culture, strategy and policy within the healthcare system.
Safety in breastfeeding
All our training and guidance to help decision making about the use of medicines in breastfeeding.
Safety in pregnancy
All our training and guidance to help decision making about the use of medicines in pregnancy.
Temperature management for medicines storage
Temperature changes can affect medicines. Learn to manage temperature and act when temperature is outside the intended range.
All our advice relating to considerations for excipients.
Swallowing difficulties
All our advice on using medicines safely and effectively in patients with swallowing difficulties.
Aseptic services
All our advice relating to aseptic preparation and the safe provision of aseptic services.
Intrathecal administration
Understand what to consider when giving medicines via the intrathecal route and use our material to help inform your risk assessment.
Manufacturing and preparation
All our advice relating to the technical and practical preparation of medicines.
Unlicensed medicines
All our advice relating to making, purchasing and using unlicensed medicines.
Guidance from the National Homecare Medicines Committee’s (NHMC) on homecare service provision.
Advanced therapy medicinal products
Advice, guidance and individual details for specific advanced therapy medicinal products.
Clinical Trials
Advice and guidance to support the provision of pharmacy clinical trials services.
Medical gases
Materials to support safe and appropriate supply, administration, monitoring and equipment issues.
Record keeping
Advice and guidance to support appropriate retention and storage of pharmacy-related records.
COVID-19 vaccines
For the Spring 2025 campaign there will be fewer articles on COVID vaccination. Individual vaccines will no longer be covered, SOPs will not be available.